Friday, April 19th, 2024

Test Management

With a solid understanding of the software development lifecycle cultivated from years of experience, Golden Solutions Test Management approach defines test levels and determines test class identification based on product engineering, test execution and reporting to achieve effective and efficient test coverage.

Highly motivated to improve the software Verification and Validation (V&V) processes, companies look to shorten test period and slash the testing efforts involved, while leveraging test coverage effectiveness. Working hand in hand with such companies, Golden Solutions consulting aims to provide:

  • Better test planning vs. requirements
  • Visibility of test planning to execution
  • Better test runs planning and results reporting
  • Better monitoring of release quality wrt requirements

Golden Solutions supports end-to-end (E2E) executable test coverage via traceability from product features to test runs execution (results) rather than static test coverage of features to test requirements during test planning only. With an effective and efficient testing process we manage to improve the test planning, mainly by reusing test cases.

Golden Solutions focuses on better Test Cases aiming to better test set selection to improve test iterations and regression testing. Focus is given to User Acceptance Test (UAT) mostly required for Off-the-Self products, where customers buy the product from distributers long after its release.

Golden Solutions is known for its expertise in defining the Software V&V processes based on international standards like IEEE, CMMI, FDA or DoD. Golden Solutions defines the verification processes along with implementing testing tools aiming for test automation. We work with global companies that aim to automate testing between groups, departments and customers. This involves an end-to-end (E2E) view of lifecycle verification, and ultimately results in better testing, more automation, less test resources, and better quality visibility.

Clients who benefited from Golden Solution consulting on Test Management include: NSN-Israel Division (Seabridge), NICE Systems, HP (Mercury).